Sell Your Online Business For Free

Join 25,000+ qualified buyers and sellers. Selling your online business with Investors Club is effortless, fast, and free.

Why sell an online business on the Investors Club platform?

Because selling should be easy, fast, and free. There’s no catch – sell your business for free and keep all the money.

No Listing Fees

List your business for sale without any upfront costs or listing fees.

No Success Fees

Keep 100% of your sale price with no success fees charged.

Direct Communication

Engage directly with potential buyers to streamline negotiations.

Set Your Own Price

Set the price for your business listing to match your expectations and attract serious buyers.

No Exclusivity Agreement

List your business without being tied down by binding agreements.

View Stats

Analyze your listing's performance with detailed dashboard stats.

Manage Your Listings

Easily manage and edit your listings in real time from your dashboard.

List Quickly and Easily

Have your business listed for sale in days, not weeks. It takes just 5 minutes to add your listing.

Sell Multiple Businesses

Sell multiple businesses simultaneously at no additional cost.

How does it work?

Selling an online business at Investors Club is completely free. You can create your own listing, communicate with buyers, and complete the entire process without spending a penny.

Sign Up for a Free Account

To get started, please register an account. Anonymous listings are not allowed.

Create Your Listing

Follow our simple process to create your listing in less than 30 minutes. This streamlined process gathers essential information, enabling potential buyers to quickly find, access, and review your business.

Submit Your Listing for Approval

Ensure your business meets our requirements: average revenue of at least $30/month over the last 12 months, at least a year of verifiable history, and only ethical niches. We review submissions to maintain marketplace integrity.

Negotiate Directly with Potential Buyers

Communicate with buyers to discuss terms and conditions that suit both parties.

Close the Deal

Finalize the sale and transfer ownership.

DIY or Full Service? Need help selling your business? We offer a full-service option where we connect you with a broker who will guide you and the buyer through the entire process.

Full Service
No listing fees
No success fees ❌ (5-20%)
Direct communication with buyers
No exclusivity agreement
Unlimited leads
Receive offers and negotiate
View stats in your dashboard
Drafting legal documents
Support for buyer calls
Free Escrow service
Sell Free Contact Us

No Exclusivity Agreement You might be wondering, "Why is this a big deal?"

Many brokers will lock you in with exclusivity contracts lasting up to six months. This means that even if you cancel your contract with them, you’ll have to wait six months before you can list your website anywhere else. If you opt for our DIY listing option, there is no exclusivity period. We don’t lock you in. List with us, and list anywhere else. It’s your choice.

FAQ Here are some questions we hear often. Have a question? Get in touch, and we will be happy to help.

What types of businesses can I list for sale on Investors Club?
We accept online businesses with just about any business model, including content websites (blogs and niche sites) e-commerce, Amazon FBA, SaaS, services, marketplaces, membership sites, and more.
What’s the process for DIY selling on Investors Club?
  1. Create an account and fill out a quick form with details about your business. While we recommend providing as much information as possible, you remain in control of how much information you want to disclose.
  2. Wait to get approved. We manually review all submissions to maintain the integrity of our marketplace.
  3. Communicate directly with potential buyers and share additional information. You can accept, reject, or counter any offers you receive.
  4. Complete the transaction. After you’ve accepted an offer, you’ll work with the buyer to complete the sale and transfer the assets.
What are the fees to sell on Investors Club?
Selling your online business on Investors Club is free. We don’t charge any listing fees or commission fees when you sell. We do offer sellers marketing packages to enhance their listings and increase visibility, but this is completely optional.
My business does not make any money. Can I list it for sale?
No. Your business should average at least $30/month in revenue over the last 12 months to be accepted.
My business is not in English. Can I list it for sale?
Yes, you can list websites and businesses with content in other languages.
My business is in a "gray" niche. Can I list it for sale?
All aspects of your business must be ethical enough to discuss with your grandmother. We do not accept gambling businesses, pornography, anything that promotes hate or violence, or businesses that are illegal. Investors Club reserves the right to reject businesses that we believe are not a good fit for our platform, based on our sole discretion.
My business is 3 months old. Can I list it for sale?
No. Your business should have at least 12 months of verifiable revenue and traffic history to be approved.
How does Investors Club protect my business during the sale process?

Sellers have a great deal of control over which details are shown or hidden on the listing, and who can see them. We don’t force you to show any details that you want to remain private. For example, we encourage you to connect Google Analytics to the listing, which allows the listing to be displayed with “verified traffic.” Potential buyers with a Premium Membership will also see traffic graphs if Analytics is connected. However, this is optional.

To avoid potential copycats, Investors Club conceals the URL and name of your business by default, and only reveals specific information to potential buyers who have verified their accounts. But as the seller, you can include the URL on your listing, to make it visible to everyone. In short, we give you a lot of flexibility to decide how much or how little you want to show on your listing.

How much can I sell my business for?

For DIY listings (where you list your own business and pay no commission when your business sells), sellers determine their own asking price. However, it’s important to ensure that your asking price is realistic. Unrealistic asking prices often turn off potential buyers, who will simply move on to another option.

For Full Service listings (where we broker your business), we provide a valuation and a suggested asking price. The value of an online business depends on many factors, including the business’s age, seasonality, stability (traffic, revenue), monetization methods, content and backlink quality, and more. Our valuation is often based on the last six to twelve months of revenue history, taking the average net revenue and multiplying it by a determined multiple, usually between 25-60x. All revenue generated is considered on an accrual basis, and discretionary expenses such as content creation or link building are not included. You can try our free online valuation tool to get an idea of what the price might be.

Can buyers negotiate? Can they offer lower or higher prices than the listed price?
Yes, buyers often attempt to negotiate a lower price with sellers. The listed price serves as a starting point. You can accept, reject, or counter any offers you receive.
Can I list my site on other platforms as well as Investors Club?

DIY listings at Investors Club do not require an exclusivity agreement, so you’re free to list the business on other platforms.

Our Full Service listings require a minimum of 45-days of exclusivity, and often longer. You’re free to list the business on other platforms after the exclusivity period ends.

Can I cancel or remove the listing anytime I wish?
Yes, you can cancel or remove your listing at any time from your dashboard with no penalty.
How long does it take to publish my listing?
Depending on the information you provided and our backlog, it can take anywhere between 2 and 72 hours for your listing to go live. Sometimes it might take as long as 5 working days.
If approved, does my listing go live automatically?
Yes, if approved, your listing goes live automatically. Since you are the one submitting the information that makes up your listing, there is no need for you to approve it again.
Does Investors Club provide an escrow service?
We do not provide escrow services for DIY listings. However, Full Service listings come with free escrow.
Does Investors Club offer legal document templates?
We do not offer legal document templates for DIY listings. However, Full Service listings get legal assistance and access to our legal document templates (Letter of Intent and Asset Purchase Agreement) for free.
How Does Investors Club compare to popular marketplaces and brokers?
A DIY listing at Investors Club is different because we do not charge a listing fee or success fee. We do have some available upgrades, but they’re completely optional. Unlike most marketplaces and brokers, it’s possible to sell your business for free with Investors Club.
How long will my listing remain on the Investors Club website?
Listings are valid for 90 days. If the business hasn’t sold by that point, you can renew the listing if you’d like.
I’m a broker. Can I list a client’s business for sale on Investors Club?
Yes, you can. Our platform is open to brokers.
If I start with the free package, can I switch to "full service"?
Yes, you can apply for our "full service" offering at any time. However, please note that we can only assist a handful of sellers at any given time, so there's no guarantee we can take you on.
What is the cost for full service? Is it an upfront charge or a percentage of the sale?
The cost for full service varies case by case, ranging between 5% and 20%. The commission depends on factors such as the size and type of the business, the sale price, the level of service provided during the sale process, and the complexity of the transaction.

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