Find a curated list of online businesses, stores, and websites built on Shopify for sale. Discover online businesses, from niche online stores to large e-commerce sites, all operating on the reliable Shopify platform. is an established e-commerce brand specializing in high-quality barefoot shoes, with a strong presence in the German market. Over the past two years, Wiecel has built a solid reputation for delivering exceptional products and maintaining a steady trajectory of growth and profitability. The brand is recognized and protected by a registered trademark, enhancing its market position and fostering customer trust and loyalty.
Discover the art of DIY with our top-rated online store, specializing in epoxy resin and dried flower kits. Perfect for crafting enthusiasts looking for quality, creativity, and global accessibility.
A 6-year-old website for early musical instruments, sheet music and performance practice. Opportunity for expanding outreach and diversifying product offerings.
This business was started on 28 April 2024 in the Italian market with Facebook ads. The business has generated 266,000€ with a 31% profit margin. The business has been generating 2,000€ profit per day over the last two weeks, and the ad budget with Facebook ads is scaling every two days.
For sale, an ecommerce business in the Art Supplies niche. This dropshipping business sells mannequins for artists and designers to make lifelike drawings.