Buy online businesses that generate revenue through the ShareASale affiliate program. These businesses earn income by promoting products or services and earning commissions on sales or leads generated through affiliate links.
Asking Price
$23,000This 14-year-old blog in the crafts, food, and DIY niche generated $7,080 in profit for 2024, with income from Raptive, Amazon affiliates, and Share A Sale. The site has a 14-year history, with year-over-year revenue growth ($2,821 in 2022, $6,448 in 2023, and $7,175 in 2024).
Lifestyle, Hobbies, and Home
Amazon Associates
Asking Price
$23,000Asking Price
$42,0004-year-old website in the optical instruments niche (binocular, monocular, microscopes etc). The site features 150 unique articles, including product reviews and comparisons, and receives over 9,000 monthly organic visits primarily from Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Yahoo.
Sport, Fitness & Outdoor
Amazon Associates
Asking Price
$42,000Blog, Content
Asking Price
$12,000This 10-year-old educational blog with over 900 articles on teaching tips, classroom ideas, and educational technology. It has a strong SEO foundation, and a social media following of 40,000. Established in 2015, the site generates revenue through sponsored content, banner ads, OCM ads, and AdSense.
Education and Jobs
Asking Price
$12,000Asking Price
$10,000This affiliate blog on fishing gear generates $600 monthly, with 91% of revenue from Amazon Associates and 8% from display ads. The site ranks highly on Bing, has almost zero Google traffic. Strong backlink profile, with links from prominent sites like Microsoft News and Nasdaq. The site is largely hands-off.
Sport, Fitness & Outdoor
Asking Price